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Transportation Procedures

Arrival & Dismissal

Ellis Elementary Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Your child’s safety and success in school are very important to us. Therefore we are implementing the following arrival and pick up procedures.

Morning Drop-Off

  • Do not enter the staff parking lot between 8:00 – 8:20 am
  • Students may be dropped off along the sidewalk between the flagpole and bus area
  • Continue along the driveway and exit on Ronald Terrace only

Afternoon Pick-Up

  • Do not enter the staff parking lot during pick up time
  • Car riding students will come outside to meet you once you have provided the school staff with your child’s name. This allows us to keep the car pick up line moving.
  • Continue along the driveway and exit on Ronald Terrace only

Walkers / Bike Riders

  • Please use the sidewalks at all times and walk your bike until you are off of the school property.
  • Bike riders should wear helmets when riding to school.
  • Bike riders should not carry passengers.
  • After school, teachers will walk students in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade to their new dismissal location which is located near the storage shed and dumpsters on the blacktop. We ask that all families wait for their child(ren) on the blacktop behind the blue line closer to the basketball hoops to avoid congestion.
  • We also ask that parents approach their child’s teacher and let him/her know that they are taking their child home. We do not want children to simply run or walk to their parents without the teacher’s permission. This exchange will help make sure all students are accounted for in a safe manner. Any students with parents arriving late will be brought into the school office at 3:00 PM to call home. 
  • Students in 4th and 5th grade may be dismissed without their parents, but must walk home immediately because there is no supervision on the playground after 3:00 PM. If there is a special circumstance for a 4th or 5th grader, then the parent should contact their child’s teacher to explain and ask for assistance.
  • Thank you for your cooperation with our new approach to dismissal. It is our hope that these changes will result in an even safer dismissal for our children.  


If you need to enter the building during drop off or pick up, please use the parking spaces in front of the playground.

Use of cell phones in a school zone is prohibited. Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to a SAFE and SUCCESSFUL school year!